Puppocino Kennel – Raising Happy, Healthy Puppies for Life

The Farley Foundation - What Do They Do?



Dear Readers,

Puppocino has reviewed many non-profit organizations in Ontario; all of which do wonderful work. The Farley Foundation is Puppocino's charity of choice because this organization looks at the root of why many pets end up in shelters and works towards eliminating these reasons. 

Right now, many people who love their pets dearly face a terrible reality: their pet needs a critical procedure or treatment, but they just can’t afford the cost. As a result, they are forced to give up their pets to the animal shelter or in some cases, euthanize their loved ones. To be ripped away from their pet due to special circumstances and high vet bills is something no one should have to experience. The Farley Foundation helps pet owners who can’t afford necessary or emergency veterinary costs, care for their pets.

Founded by the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, veterinarians have been volunteering their time to save the lives of animals who need help and allow pet owners to continue their bond with these animal companions. The work they do positively impacts lives of the elderly, people who have disabilities, people who have physical and mental illnesses and others who rely on these animals in their everyday lives. So far, this charity has raised over 4 million dollars to assist more than 9,500 pets and owners in need.


P.S. To learn more about the Farley foundation, check out their events, or donate directly, please go to https://www.farleyfoundation.org.


For the love of dogs,

Puppocino & Co.