Puppocino Kennel – Raising Happy, Healthy Puppies for Life

How Does it Work?

We first want to start with saying thank you so much for your interest in our guardian program. We as breeders take pride in the happy and healthy puppies we bring into the world. The puppies move on to provide love and joy to many families in all stages of their life. Our puppies would not be here without wonderful people like you who provide loving homes for our breeding dogs. 

To be a breeding dog means the puppy has been chosen to exemplify a well rounded perfection of genetic health and personality. Only through intentional breeding can we improve the characteristics and genes of the breed. Our breeding dogs are best of the best and we care about our dogs immensely. When signing  up for our breeding program you need to be physically and mentally prepared to put in the work to train our dogs.


Here is the outline of how our breeding program works and what to expect.


Age 2 - 4 Months:

  • Puppy has been chosen for the breeding program and we search for the guardian for the puppy.


Age 2 Months - 1.5 Years:

  • Development and growth stage.
  • Guardian trains the puppy and takes the puppy for routine shots paid for by the Owner (Puppocino Kennel).
  • Guardian takes the puppy back to Puppocino for regular grooming or goes to a grooming salon of their choice.
  • Puppy receives first heat and enters adulthood.


Age 1.5 Years - 4/5 Years:

  • Breeding happens within this time frame.
  • When the breeding dog reaches physical and mental maturity they will be able to have their first litter.
  • The dog guardian brings the dog back for breeding.
  • The dog is bred 3-4 times in their life span.


Age 5/6 Years to 12-18 Years:

  • The breeding dog will retire.
  • The ownership of the dog will be transferred over to the guardian family.
  • The dog lives a healthy long life with their new owner.
  • Puppocino will pay for the spay/neuter of the breeding dog.


Puppocino Kennel will cover the cost for:  

- All vaccinations, deworming, and routine vet visits. 

- Monthly allowance for maintenance of the dog 

- Microchip of the breeding dog 

- Health testing related to breeding

- Spay/Neuter Surgery 


Dog guardian must be willing to: 

- Provide a safe and loving environment for the breeding dog.

- Spend the allowance on the guardian dog. 

- Keep open communication with Puppocino Kennel minimum every 2 weeks through text, pictures, and/or videos.

- Have a flexible schedule during breeding periods 

- Live within 1 hour from Puppocino Kennel (We are located in Stouffville, Ontario) 

- Pay a $1000 deposit for the breeding dog, which is 100% refundable at the end of the breeding term.